Bang On! show poster

Bang On!

August 17 2024, Mainspace Theatre

Running Time: 100mins (including 10min intermission)
All Ages



RAW Taiko (Toronto)

Ame no Ato (Montreal)

Kyowa Taiko (Toronto)

JGB Shibuki (Buffalo, NY)

Oto-Wa Taiko (Ottawa)

Kings DON Taiko (Kingston)

& guest artists…

Yurika Chiba (San Jose Taiko, CA)

Jennifer Weir and Megan Chao Smith (TaikoArts Midwest, MN)


This concert uplifts the diversity of, and nuance within, North American taiko styles and lineages. Bringing these artists together for a one-time showcase, Bang On! presents traditional pieces alongside new collaborations and contemporary repertoire.

In the space between rage and hope, everyone has a distinct role to play in shaping a more just world. Let the drums of Bang On! move you into action!

Spoken portions of this concert will include ASL interpretation.

To learn more about the performers, visit

COVID-19 Safety

While not mandatory, Toronto Taiko Festival highly encourages masking for all audience members. Masks will be available at the door for anyone requiring one. We also ask that you do not attend any Toronto Taiko Festival activities if you are feeling sick or have symptoms of illness that are new or unusual for you.