Support Factory

You Can’t Get There From Here Vol. 3 Podcast Live Audience Recording, Photo by Tsholo Khalema

What your donation supports:

Support New Play Development at Factory Theatre. For more then 50 years Factory Theatre has been synonymous with play development and playwriting. Working with playwrights, workshopping scripts and connecting audiences with Canadian premieres is the foundation of everything we do.

By fostering an environment of innovation, risk taking, rigor and play; Factory Theatre continues to be at the forefront of

Investing in Canadian stories.

Investing in the local arts community.

Investing in artists.

Fiercely Canadian Theatre
A full season of original Canadian work, from the beautiful electrifying minds of theatre creators and playwrights from across the country. Factory is taking a journey through the heart. Bringing you electric, joyful and thought-provoking plays from an incredible group of premiere Canadian talent.

Investing in Artists
Providing theatre makers with the support, resources, and space they need to create new work and explore new ideas, ensuring that Canadian art and artists will thrive.

Empowering the Next Generation
Our Training Enhancement Programs for emerging artists provide paid training and networking opportunities for young artists in an environment that centres diverse artists and nurtures an intercultural approach to theatre making.

Benefits and Recognition

Click here to learn about the many benefits and recognition opportunities available to Factory donors.

Factory Theatre is a not-for-profit charitable organization. Charitable tax-receipts will be issued for all monthly donations in December or upon request; one-time donations will receive a tax receipt within one week of the donation.

Charitable Registration Number 12353 3812 RR0001.